Worship Belonging Growing Serving Mission
A planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour Isaiah 61

Membership at Acorn
There are varying views on the importance of membership within a church setting. People often ask, ‘Do I need to become a member since I show commitment through my actions?’ At Acorn we are of course, very keen that commitment (both ways) is demonstrated as well as stated, but there are a number of reasons why we regard membership as important (without being exclusive) and good for the individual as well as the wider body.
Why join a church?
We are not going it alone
It’s a statement that we need the help of others in fulfilling God’s purposes
We are making ourselves accountable
I’m inviting the leadership to encourage me and to challenge me
We are asking for support and pastoral care
I know that there will be times when I will need help and support
We are wanting to play our part in implementing the vision of the church
I share the vision of this church and believe I have something to contribute
We have a sense of calling to this group of believers
I know that God has called me here and I want to confirm that
We are publicly committing ourselves to this group of believers
It’s encouraging to the church when people say publicly, ‘I want to belong to you’
It helps protect the name of Christ and the church
It is important for the church to be able say that those who lead or serve on behalf of the church are committed members – this brings spiritual protection for the individual and the church
Who can become members?
Anyone who knows Christ as their own personal saviour - and who:
is seeking to honour Christ on a daily basis
has been attending the church for at least 3 months
is in good relationship with any previous church(es)
is over the age of 18 (16 with parental consent)
What do I need to do?
Speak to one of the leadership team for further information.
Be publicly received into membership (usually on a Sunday morning)